Hello (Writing from Brazil) Very interesting your blog - do you understand english? I don't understand Italian... The book from Navone and Orlandoni is very difficult to find over here... I can't find it in any library... even in "Amazon.com" it's "sold out". Do you have any suggestion for me? I need it to write my final work of postgraduate (master in history of architecture), but can't find this book... hehehe if you have any suggestion I would thank you... so long
architetto, fotografo, critico di architettura attento al rapporto tra architettura e società. Dal 2005 ha iniziato una ricerca sull'architettura radicale italiana intervistando i protagonisti del movimento radicale attivo nel decennio 1963-73. E' curatore della rivista digitale di architettura Archphoto.it
RispondiElimina(Writing from Brazil)
Very interesting your blog - do you understand english? I don't understand Italian...
The book from Navone and Orlandoni is very difficult to find over here... I can't find it in any library... even in "Amazon.com" it's "sold out". Do you have any suggestion for me? I need it to write my final work of postgraduate (master in history of architecture), but can't find this book... hehehe if you have any suggestion I would thank you... so long